Sunday, March 6, 2011

31 weeks and gettin lonley...

I am now in week 31 of being pregnant and that translates to “Oh Shit that means only 9 weeks left, If I in fact make it the entire 40 weeks!” Tuesday I will enter the EIGHTH month of pregnancy and I've finally made it into the single digit week countdown.  When I look at the numbers, I think I should be more anxious and freaked out.  I am very surprised that I feel really calm about it all. When I think about all this I mainly think about the outcome, you know, holding my little angel girl and just staring at her cutie face wondering who she'll be like, who's nose, who's eyes...all the usual narcissistic stuff! But I pretty much skip over the actual labor part, I just don't want to overly freak myself out when I know it'll all turn out just the way God plans for it to. According to What To Expect she is about 3 lbs and 18 inches long. Though her length should stay about the same the rest of the time, her weight should at least double, but lets hope not triple!!
So, I'm alone pretty much through my eighth month :( and it pretty much sucks! Its only been a few days so far since Tim has been gone and already I feel so...ALONE. I can't even text or talk to him so its really getting to me. It doesn't help that I'm so emotional already and I guess the timing isn't great either, just when I can't put on my own shoes and need a back rub every night he's not here :'( I know I'm just whining, I just really miss him and am dreading the next 20 days...

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