Monday, May 2, 2011

Does blogging induce labor?!

I don’t know.  Let’s give it a try. Your 6 days from your arrival date, and we are ready now!

Questions for myself to answer after the baby is born:
1. Do you still have flabby ass?
1b.  If not, how quickly did it go away?

2. Do you still have heartburn?
2b. Did you birth a mini chewbacca?? (you know...because all the heartburn means lots of hair)

3. Did you feel your insides “fall” back into place when you got up from the floor/pool/bed the first time?

4.   Just how ridiculously big are your boobs now?

5.  Is breastfeeding more or less painful than labor?

6.  Are you still eating everything in sight?

7.  Is she as cute as she looks in all her ultrasound pictures?
7b. Did you have an ugly baby that everyone just tells you is cute cause thats what  you say when you see someones baby??

8.  How scary is it to go to potty
8b. And are you still going every 20 seconds?

9.  Did you poop during labor? (I'm so nervous of this!)
9b.  Did you give a rats ass?

10. Who does she look like most?

11.  Is she anything like you pictured?

12. When do you get to eat sushi???!!

13.  How does it feel to be let out of that bubble you and your husband have been in for the last nine months?

Okay… I’m sure I will come up with more later.
Come on out little lady!!

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