Thursday, January 6, 2011

His girls can swim!

Turns out we got lucky in our sex selection journey. After months of reading how to make a girl/boy books (don't judge me!) we had finally found ourselves ready to start trying last June. Each month I followed the "steps" to successfully make a girl baby. My generation is called the "Microwave" generation, we want what we want and we want it NOW! We think we don't have time to wait or time to save, which is one of the reasons my generation is mostly poor and unsuccessful. But that's another blog! Anyway, after 2 months of unsuccessful pregnancy attempts I was growing impatient.
Go figure.
So the next month, August, I was like screw it. I checked to know when I was ovulating and "practiced" baby making with Tim everyday that week, the 3 leading up to ovulation, the day of, and the 3 after ovulation. Lets say it was a real good week for him! Lol!
To successfully make a girl, apparently you have to only "practice" the few days prior to ovulation but stop 1-2 days before actual ovulation. See girly sperm swim slow but live long and male spermy swim fast but die quick so it would make sense that after 1-2 days only the girly sperms are left ready to pounce when my egg drops.

But, my impatient self got the better of me, I had baby fever, and I just wanted to get pregnant! I thought, everybody else just does it and God will give me what He will either way, so we went at it the old fashioned way and low and behold...HIS GIRLS CAN SWIM!!!

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