Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh my God I'm having a...!!!

Well I had my ultrasound follow up the other day. I went in to the appointment thinking, this is IT! THIS is the day I will find out the sex of my baby. (I know there are you moms out there who say, "its the last real surprise in life to wait until Baby is born". Great for you! But I'm just not that mom!) As you all know, the last ultrasound let me and all of you down when my little "problem child" would not get into a position to see its little parts, let alone a good position to get all the measurements the tech needed to document for my midwife. So this time around, at 22 weeks, I felt so confident, thinking, at this point 1.the baby is much bigger 2.i feel it move around ALL the time now and 3.I've been seeing the chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy and turning breach babies and I've doing all the recommended inversions so there's no way we won't find out!
Never underestimate the power of an unborn child!!! I hike my ass up on that table and she starts prodding around with her wand and low and behold, my baby hasn't moved out of the same spot from 4 weeks ago! Pardon my not so "mommy like" language but, WTF!?!?
The tech is all "I remember this baby, the hardest baby I've ever had". I'm all "this baby is already grounded from day one if it doesn't show its parts today!" I'm rolling over from side to side, sitting up, laying back down, ANYTHING to get this child to move around.
So I'm already feeling disappointed, again, that we will have to wait and I won't be able to shop! Until, just before the tech is going to give up, the baby gives us a little view of its hiny and Tim goes, "I think I just saw a hamburger!" and the tech says "I'm pretty sure that's what I see to, but I don't like to call it unless I'm 150% sure" then she pauses the picture and we all sit there staring at my baby's hiny...
theres definitely no twig and berries there. And the tech says she won't say what she sees, but she'll tell me what she doesn't see and that's a hot dog! So...

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