Friday, January 7, 2011

A letter to my daughter

Dear Baby,

My favorite time with you so far is around midnight-one o’clock. I’m already in bed, Tim is asleep, the puppies have settled down, and the world is quiet. The only person that seems to be awake is you.

I’ll be laying there just on the precipice of a dream and you’ll start bouncing away inside of me. It’s amusing because you rarely ever move during the day. I just think it’s because you like the rocking movement caused by all of my running around in the day. When things finally settle down and I become still, you decide that it’s time to wake up and say hello.

I don’t mind. Even if it’s been the longest day of my life, your little kicks still make me smile :) You’re the most active then and it’s like you’re giving me a preview of what life with you is going to be like. Unexpected. Unpredictable, but always ever so exciting. I almost don’t want you to come out. I don’t want to share those moments with anyone. I want it to always be you and me like that. At the same time, I can’t wait to see you!

Last night was the first time I’ve felt you get the hiccups. It wasn’t for very long, but I’m sure that’s what it was. I can almost imagine what your pretty little face looked like the when you got them!That’s something we’ll always share, you and me. Your first hiccup!

Your mommy

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