Monday, February 21, 2011

Blind shaving is NO FUN!

It’s official:  At 29 weeks pregnant I can no longer see my lady parts and I've already seen my feet for the last time for a while.  I was actually so glad when I was struggling with shaving this morning because I knew that I’d be able to blog about it!
I haven’t blogged in about a week and that’s only because my life has been filled with laying on the couch and watching tv.  Nothing else. Sounds fun huh?!  Since nothing eventful happened, I had no topic to cover for a pregnancy blog post, hence my couple of days without anything.
But now I have something to talk about…(the only man that reads this is my brother, so here's your full disclosure warning, this may not be an interesting one for you!)
So I was in the shower this morning and I felt “down there” to feel that there seemed to be a lot of hair.  Ugh.  I spared my husband this time around and I took the razor and attempted to clear the forest without being able to see what the hell I was doing.  It was a struggle, I tell you.
Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to feel something, go over it with a razor to try to remove it, and to feel it still being there?  Well, if you don’t, let me just tell you that it is extremely frustrating.  I even thought something was wrong with my razor so I switched.
Nope, definitely not the problem.
What is it about pregnancy and hair growth?  It’s ridiculous.  I can deal with the extra hair on my head and the no shedding (how fabulous is that?!), but really, can’t we all be spared with it comes to our lady parts and armpits, I mean my armpit hair grows back before i even finish shaving it! And don’t even get me started on the hair on my stomach! I'm a little lucky I guess since it is light so my belly hair isn't all that noticable.
But I did try to remove as much hair as possible and I know that there was a lot (I know, I know, sorry if that’s too much information, but really, it’s just part of being pregnant) because the razor was full each time.  Oh. Em Gee.
You can bet that I will be recruiting Tim to do a job well done there the next time, that’s for sure! I've read alot of women who just let it go down there while their pregnant, but I'll be damned if I welcome my baby into the world with a full grown Amazon Bush circa 1972!! I'm hippie, but not like that!
I also attempted to paint my toenails once I got out of the shower.  That was a no-go too. I mean they're painted, but so was the entire skin around the nail too!  I told my husband that he would have another job on days like this when I don’t have the energy to get a pedicure.  He just laughed – I wonder if he thinks I was kidding...Poor guy.

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