Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Boobs, Milk and Drugs

The other evening, I picked up one of my “How to care for an infant” books and began reading. I think it’s a pretty decent read for those of us who haven’t had a child yet and are looking at a baby wondering, when do I feed that thing? When do I wash it? Why is it breathing all creepy?
I picked up some useful information. I had no idea that a baby gets a white mouth if it has thrush. I didn’t know a newborn needed “Tummy Time.” You get the idea. Little nuts and bolts of raising an infant to make me more informed, less ignorant, and therefore more confident.
However, when I got to the breastfeeding section, I kind of panicked. It sounded highly technical and riddled with difficulty. Broken down into hours, ounces, infections, blocked ducts, overproducing, under producing, pumping, freezing…Ugh, its incredibly discouraging. As I read, I became convinced that my baby was going to reject me, not eat, become malnourished, and in a last minute save I’d be forced to give her a bottle and hence feel like a massive failure.
So in a kind of panicky mood, I emailed a few people, and thankfully, my midwife answered the call. She told me that there was a breastfeeding support group that meets monthly, a La Leche League they call it. I immediately email the "president" to find out the schedule. I'm not really one for group joining, and I don't typically like to meet anyone new (I know, I'm a hermit loser!) but a whole group of women that sits around breastfeeding, talking about breastfeeding, teaching about us newbies about breastfeeding, YAY for me, I'm attending!!
So then I receive an email from a friend with this link to a video showing the difference between an infant who had a medicated birth and one who had an un-medicated birth. The video shows the baby on the  mothers chest right after birth. It’s really powerful testimony when you seen an alert little guy grab onto a breast right away and know exactly what to do, as opposed to a sleepy and lethargic little guy who couldn’t quite seem to get it together. He almost seemed confused by the breast and didn’t even really try for it. If you’re reading this and you want to see, check it out-link is below…


I've known from the moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted a non medicated home birth with a wonderful mid-wife helping me along surrounded by my family. But seeing this video makes me feel even more confident to make it through, as hard as it may be, all natural. I don't want my baby born all doped up off pain medicine just because I couldn't handle it! (Mom, when I'm screaming for pain relief during my labor, remind me of this!! LOL)

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