Thursday, February 10, 2011

He's ugly but man he makes great sperm!?!?

According to FOX News, findings from the University of Oxford and University College London claim that attractive males produce less sperm during sex. Researchers think good-looking males are biologically geared to hold back their sperm in each sexual encounter to increase their chance of impregnating more females. (In simpler terms, the hunks are going to have many chances to have sex, so they are programmed to not give everything they’ve got in one shot. The ugly guys somehow realize they may not get other chances and put all their sperm in one basket, so to speak.)

Here are my problems with this study:

How does a researcher determine who is good looking and who isn’t? Isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder?

What about guys who go around thinking they are good looking but aren’t? Are their sperm confused as to whether they should stay or go?

Did some ugly scientist come up with the idea for this study to prove his manhood?

(Does anyone else remember that old, offensive song that went something like, “If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.” I think I hear a sequel in the works . . . .)

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